Welcome to Quark Matter 2018
Quark Matter 2018 -the XXVIIth International Conference on Ultra-relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions- brings together physicists from around the world to discuss new developments in high energy heavy-ion physics. The focus is on the fundamental understanding of strongly-interacting matter at extreme conditions of high temperature and density, as formed in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions. In these conditions, which also characterised the early Universe, matter appears as a Quark-Gluon Plasma, with quarks and gluons not confined within hadrons.
Local and International Committees
Previous QM Conferences
The scientific topics addressed by this conference are:
- QCD at high temperature
- Initial state physics
- Approach to thermal equilibrium
- Correlations and fluctuations
- Collective dynamics
- Chirality, vorticity and polarisation effects
- Jet modifications
- Heavy flavour and quarkonium
- Electromagnetic probes
- High baryon density and search for the critical point
- Collectivity in small systems
- Theoretical developments
- Future facilities and instrumentation
Scientific information
Practical information

QM2018 Agenda on your Mobile Phone
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Please download the App using the links for iPhone & iPad or Android.
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